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Learning Java OOP: Understanding Inheritance and Method Overriding

Java Oops Inheritance
As we have learned in the previous article : a class or object can interact with other classes.
One form of the relationship is inheritance . This relationship is like a family relationship between parents and children.
A class in Java, can have one or more offspring or child classes. Child classes will have inheritance properties and methods from the mother class.
In this tutorial we will learn:
  1. Why do we have to use inheritance ?
  2. Examples of inheritance programs
  3. Method Overriding
Let's start…

Why Should We Use Inheritance?

For example, in Games, we will create enemy classes with different behaviors.
Enemy Classes
Then we make the code for each class like this:
class Zombie {
    String name;
    int hp;
    int attackPoin;

    void attack(){
        // ...

    void walk(){
class Pocong {
    String name;
    int hp;
    int attackPoin;

    void attack(){
        // ...

    void jump(){
class Burung {
    String name;
    int hp;
    int attackPoin;

    void attack(){
        // ...

    void walk(){

    void jump(){

    void fly(){
Can it be like this?
Yes, it's okay. But it won't work, because we repeatedly write the same properties and methods.
What's the solution?
We must use inheritance .
Let's look at the same class:
Enemy Classes
After using inheritance , it will be like this:
Enemy Classes
Anyway, inheritance in StarUML is described by Generalization linkages .
Class Enemyis a class parent who has a child ZombiePocongandBurungWhatever property is in the parent class, it will also be owned by the child class.
Then what is the code in Java?
The code will look like this:
class Enemy {
    String name;
    int hp;
    int attackPoin;

    void attack(){
In the child class, we use keywords extends to declare that they are derived from Enemy.
class Zombie extends Enemy {
    void walk(){
        System.out.println("Zombie jalan-jalan");
class Pocong extends Enemy {
    void jump(){
class Burung extends Enemy {
    void walk(){
        System.out.println("Burung berjalan");
    void jump(){
        System.out.println("Burung loncat-loncat");
    void fly(){
        System.out.println("Burung Terbang...");
Then, if we want to create objects from these classes, we can make it like this:
Enemy monster = new Enemy();
Zombie zumbi = new Zombie();
Pocong hantuPocong = new Pocong();
Burung garuda = new Burung();

Example of Inheritance Program

After understanding the concept of inheritance , now let's make an example of a simple program.
The program we will create to function is to calculate the area and circumference of a flat building.
Form the class diagram like this:
Wake Up Class
Okay, let's make all the classes.
Open Netbeans, to yesterday's Porject , make a new packagecalled inheritance on Source Packages .
Make a New Package at netbeans
Fill in the package name with inheritance .
Make a New Package at netbeans
Next make new classes based on the diagram above.
File: inheritance/
package inheritance;

public class BangunDatar {
    float luas(){
        System.out.println("Menghitung laus bangun datar");
        return 0;
    float keliling(){
        System.out.println("Menghitung keliling bangun datar");
        return 0;
File: inheritance/
package inheritance;

public class Persegi extends BangunDatar {
    float sisi;   
File: inheritance/
package inheritance;

public class Lingkaran extends BangunDatar{
    // jari-jari lingkaran
    float r;
File: inheritance/
package inheritance;

public class PersegiPanjang extends BangunDatar {
    float panjang;
    float lebar;
File: inheritance/
package inheritance;

public class Segitiga extends BangunDatar {
    float alas;
    float tinggi;
File: inheritance/
package inheritance;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // membuat objek bangun datar
        BangunDatar mBangunDatar = new BangunDatar();
        // membuat objek persegi dan mengisi nilai properti
        Persegi mPersegi = new Persegi();
        mPersegi.sisi = 2;
        // membuat objek Lingkaran dan mengisi nilai properti
        Lingkaran mLingkaran = new Lingkaran();
        mLingkaran.r = 22;
        // membuat objek Persegi Panjang dan mengisi nilai properti
        PersegiPanjang mPersegiPanjang = new PersegiPanjang();
        mPersegiPanjang.panjang = 8;
        mPersegiPanjang.lebar = 4;
        // membuat objek Segitiga dan mengisi nilai properti
        Segitiga mSegitiga = new Segitiga();
        mSegitiga.alas = 12;
        mSegitiga.tinggi = 8;
        // memanggil method luas dan keliling
After that, try running the class Main, the result:
Results of Inheritance Program Execution
Why are the results so?
Because what we are calling is actually the method luas()and keliling()the parent ( BangunDatar).
The object of the child BangunDatarhas not had a method luas()and keliling(), finally taking possession of its parent.
Then what if we want to make all child classes have methods luas()and keliling()different from the parent?
The answer: use the overriding method .

Method Overriding

The Overriding method is done when we want to recreate a method in a child sub-class or class.
Overriding method can be created by adding annotations @Overrideabove the method name or before the method creation.
class Persegi extends BangunDatar {
    float sisi;

    float luas(){
        float luas = sisi * sisi;
        System.out.println("Luas Persegi: " + luas);
        return luas;

    float keliling(){
        float keliling = 4 * sisi;
        System.out.println("Keliling Persegi: " + keliling);
        return keliling;
This means that we rewrite the method luas()and keliling()in the child class.
Now let's create an overriding method for all child classes.
package inheritance;

public class Lingkaran extends BangunDatar{
    // jari-jari lingkaran
    float r;
    float luas(){
        float luas = (float) (Math.PI * r * r);
        System.out.println("Luas lingkaran: " + luas);
        return luas;
    float keliling(){
        float keliling = (float) (2 * Math.PI * r);
        System.out.println("Keliling Lingkaran: " + keliling);
        return keliling;
In the formula for area and circumference of a circle, we can use constants Math.PIas PI values. This constant already exists in Java.
File: PersegiPanjang.Java
package inheritance;

public class PersegiPanjang extends BangunDatar {
    float panjang;
    float lebar;
    float luas(){
        float luas = panjang * lebar;
        System.out.println("Luas Persegi Panjang:" + luas);
        return luas;
    float keliling(){
        float kll = 2*panjang + 2*lebar;
        System.out.println("Keliling Persegi Panjang: " + kll);
        return kll;
package inheritance;

public class Segitiga extends BangunDatar {
    float alas;
    float tinggi;

    float luas() {
        float luas = alas * tinggi;
        System.out.println("Luas Segitiga: " + luas);
        return luas;
For classes Segitiga, we only override the method luas()Because for methods keliling(), triangles have different formulas.
... or perhaps could be lowered again be the class of this triangle: SegitigaSikuSegitigaSamaKakiSegitigaSamaSisi, etc.
Now let's try executing the class Mainagain:
Execution Result of Inheritance Override Program Execution
Wait a minute!
Earlier he said that he was not efficient writing repeatedly, is this it?
Yes at the beginning we write attributes of Enemythe same repeatedly. Unlike this one, we do write the same method. But the contents or formulas in the method are different.
We will discuss this later in Polymorphism (many forms).

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