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Learning Java: Using Procedures and Functions to Create Sub-programs

Learn Java Programming for Beginners
In the example program in the previous discussion, we only wrote the instruction code for the function main().
Function main()is the main function in a Java program. All the code we write in it will be executed immediately.
But the problem now:
"What if we make a large enough program, can we still write all the code in the function main()?"
It's possible, but it's less effective and will consume a lot of energy to type the code.
Not to mention if there is an error ...
"Then what is the solution?"
The solution is to use procedures / functions.
Procedures / functions can break the program into sub-programs, so that we can make the program more efficient.
The use of procedures / functions can reduce repeated typing of code.
On this occasion, we will learn to use procedures / functions in Java to create programs.
First, we first acquaint with procedures and functions. After that, continue with the sample program.

Understanding Procedures, Functions, and Methods

Don't be confused ... because all three are the same.
The procedure, function, and method are the same.
Procedure is a term for a function that does not return a value. This function is usually indicated by keywordsvoid.
A function is a term for a function that returns a value.
Method is a function that is inside a class. This term, usually used in OOP.
For simplicity, let's call all functions .

How to Make Functions in Java

Functions must be created or written in the class .
The basic structure is like this:
static TypeDataKembalian namaFungsi(){
    // statemen atau kode fungsi
  • Keywords static, meaning we create functions that can be called without having to create an object instance.
    Confused? I'll explain later.
  • TypeDataKembalian is a data type of value returned after the function is executed.
  • namaFungsi()is the name of its function. Usually written in small letters at first. Then, if there are more than one syllable, the first letter in the second word is written in capital.
static void ucapSalam(){
    System.out.println("Selamat Pagi");
The data type voidmeans empty, the function does not reverse the value of anything.

How to Call / Execute Functions

After we create a function, then we will execute its function.
Functions can be called from functions mainor from other functions.
Examples of function calls in in funsgi main:
public static void main(String[] args){
Then it will produce output:
Selamat Pagi
The complete code, please try it yourself:
class BelajarFungsi {
    // membuat fungsi ucapSalam()
    static void ucapSalam(){
        System.out.println("Selamat Pagi");

    // membuat fungsi main()
    public static void main(String[] args){
        // memanggil/eksekusi fungsi ucapSalam()

Functions with Parameters

Parameters are variables that hold values ​​for processing in functions. Parameters act as inputs for functions.
The basic structure is like this:
static TipeData namaFungsi(TipeData namaParameter, TipeData namaParameterLain){
    // kode fungsi
  • Parameters are written between parentheses (...);
  • Parameters must be given a data type;
  • If there are more than one parameter, then separated by a comma.
Examples of functions that have parameters:
static void ucapin(String ucapan){
In this example, we create a named parameter ucapanwith type StringSo we can use variables ucapanin functions.
How to call a function that has parameters:
ucapin("Selamat datang di pemrograman Java");
ucapin("Saya kira ini bagian terakhir");
ucapin("Sampai jumpa lagi, ya!");
The output results:
Selamat datang di pemrograman Java
Saya kira ini bagian terakhir
Sampai jumpa lagi, ya!

Function that Returns Value

After the function processes the data entered through the parameters, then the function must return the value so that it can be processed in the next process.
Returns values ​​for functions using keywords return.
static int luasPersegi(int sisi){
    int luas = sisi * sisi;
    return luas;
In this example, we make a parameter named sisiThen the function will return a value of type int (integer) from the variable luas.
Example caller:
System.out.println("Luas Persegi dengan panjang sisi 5 adalah " + luasPersegi(5));
Output Results:
Luas Persegi dengan panjang sisi 5 adalah 25

Calling Functions in Other Functions

Functions can call each other to process data.
For example, a program Build Space Calculator has functions: luasPersegi()luasPersegiPanjang()luasSegitiga()luasBalok()luasKubus()etc.
These functions can help each other, examples of functions luasKubus()need functions luasPersegi().
Luas Kubus = 6 *  luasPersegi;
Luas Persegi = sisi * sisi;
Then the program can be made like this:
public class BangunRuang {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int s = 12;
        int luas = luasKubus(s);


    // membuat fungsi luasPersegi()
    static int luasPersegi(int sisi){
        return sisi * sisi;

    // membuat fungsi luasKubus()
    static int luasKubus(int sisi){
        // memanggil fungsi luasPersegi
        return 6 * luasPersegi(sisi);

Output results

Static and Non-Static Functions

In the examples above, we use keywords staticbefore creating a function.
The keyword staticwill make the function directly executable, without having to create an instance of the object from the class.
public class FungsiStatic {
    // Fungsi non-static
    void makan(String makanan){
        System.out.println("Saya sedang makan " + makanan);
    // fungsi static
    static void minum(String minuman){
        System.out.println("Saya sedang minum " + minuman);
    // fungsi main
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // pemanggilan fungsi static
        // mambuat instansiasi objek saya dari class FungsiStatic
        FungsiStatic saya = new FungsiStatic();
        // pemanggilan fungsi non-static
        saya.makan("Nasi Goreng");
In this example, the function makan()is a non-static function While the function minum()is a static function .
The output results from the program above:
Saya sedang minum Kopi
Saya sedang makan Nasi Goreng
If we don't create an object to call a non-static function , an error will occur.

Global Variables and Local Variables in Java

Global variables are variables that can be accessed from all functions. While local variables are variables that can only be accessed from within the function where the variable is located.
Let's look at an example:
class ProgramKu{

    // ini variabel global
    static String nama = "Programku";
    static String version = "1.0.0";

    static void help(){

        // ini variabel lokal
        String nama = "Petani Kode";

        // mengakses variabel global di dalam fungso help()
        System.out.println("Nama: " + nama);
        System.out.println("Versi: " + version);

    public static void main(String args[]){
        // panggil fungsi help()
        System.out.println("Nama: " + nama);
        System.out.println("Versi: " + version);


The output results:
Nama: Petani Kode
Versi: 1.0.0
Nama: Programku
Versi: 1.0.0
When the function call help()we recreate the variable namaSo the name variable becomes a local variable in the function help()and its value changes to "Petani Kode".
Whereas, when we access the variable name again through the function the main()value remains the same as defined.

Examples of Programs with Functions and Procedures

This program is a simple program with the following features:
  1. Read data from ArrayList
  2. Save data to ArrayList
  3. Change data
  4. Delete Data
  5. Exit
Don't know about ArrayList?
Please read the details: Getting to know arrays in Java
Alright, please create a new class named FungsiProsedurThen import the required classes.
import java.util.ArrayList;
After that, create global variables in the class FungsiProsedur:
static ArrayList listBuah = new ArrayList();
static boolean isRunning = true;
static InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(;
static BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);
  • Variables listBuahare global variables for storing fruit names.
  • Variables isRunningare global variables for creating loops.
  • Then inputStreamReaderand inputare the objects we need to take input from the keyboard.
After that, make each function.
Function for displaying menus :
static void showMenu() throws IOException {
    System.out.println("========= MENU ========");
    System.out.println("[1] Show All Buah");
    System.out.println("[2] Insert Buah");
    System.out.println("[3] Edit Buah");
    System.out.println("[4] Delete Buah");
    System.out.println("[5] Exit");
    System.out.print("PILIH MENU> ");
    int selectedMenu = Integer.valueOf(input.readLine());
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
            System.out.println("Pilihan salah!");
The function is tasked to display the menu and specify which functions will be called based on the menu number entered.
What is it throws IOException?
Later I will discuss it next time. For now it's just ignored first. This is because we use Buffereader, so it throws IOExceptionmust be written.
Function to display data :
static void showAllBuah(){
       System.out.println("Belum ada data");
    } else {
         // tampilkan semua buah
        for(int i = 0; i < listBuah.size(); i++){
            System.out.println(String.format("[%d] %s",i, listBuah.get(i)));
The function is tasked with displaying the contents of listBuahIf listBuahempty, a message will be displayed "Belum ada data".
Functions for adding fruit data :
static void insertBuah() throws IOException{
    System.out.print("Nama buah: ");
    String namaBuah = input.readLine();
In this function, we use methods listBuah.add(namaBuah);to add data into listBuahbased on namaBuahthe given.
Function for changing fruit data :
static void editBuah() throws IOException{
    System.out.print("Pilih nomer buah: ");
    int indexBuah = Integer.valueOf(input.readLine());
    System.out.print("Nama Baru: ");
    String namaBaru = input.readLine();
    // ubah nama buah
    listBuah.set(indexBuah, namaBaru);
First we need to display the fruit list first, then we ask the user to choose which fruit to edit.
After that, we update the fruit with the method listBuah.set(indexBuah, namaBaru);.
Function for removing fruit :
static void deleteBuah() throws IOException{
    System.out.print("Pilih nomer buah: ");
    int indexBuah = Integer.valueOf(input.readLine());
    // hapus buah
It's almost the same as fruit editing, to delete our fruit also needs the fruit index number to be deleted.
Then delete it using the method listBuah.remove(indexBuah);.
Main function :
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    do {
    } while (isRunning);
Complete, here is the complete code.
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class FungsiProsedur {
    static ArrayList listBuah = new ArrayList();
    static boolean isRunning = true;
    static InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(;
    static BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);
    static void showMenu() throws IOException{
        System.out.println("========= MENU ========");
        System.out.println("[1] Show All Buah");
        System.out.println("[2] Insert Buah");
        System.out.println("[3] Edit Buah");
        System.out.println("[4] Delete Buah");
        System.out.println("[5] Exit");
        System.out.print("PILIH MENU> ");
        int selectedMenu = Integer.valueOf(input.readLine());
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                System.out.println("Pilihan salah!");

    static void showAllBuah(){
           System.out.println("Belum ada data");
        } else {
             // tampilkan semua buah
            for(int i = 0; i < listBuah.size(); i++){
                System.out.println(String.format("[%d] %s",i, listBuah.get(i)));
    static void insertBuah() throws IOException{
        System.out.print("Nama buah: ");
        String namaBuah = input.readLine();
    static void editBuah() throws IOException{
        System.out.print("Pilih nomer buah: ");
        int indexBuah = Integer.valueOf(input.readLine());
        System.out.print("Nama Baru: ");
        String namaBaru = input.readLine();
        // ubah nama buah
        listBuah.set(indexBuah, namaBaru);
    static void deleteBuah() throws IOException{
        System.out.print("Pilih nomer buah: ");
        int indexBuah = Integer.valueOf(input.readLine());
        // hapus buah
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        do {
        } while (isRunning);
After that, please run and pay attention to the results.
========= MENU ========
[1] Show All Buah
[2] Insert Buah
[3] Edit Buah
[4] Delete Buah
[5] Exit
Belum ada data
========= MENU ========
[1] Show All Buah
[2] Insert Buah
[3] Edit Buah
[4] Delete Buah
[5] Exit
Nama buah: Apel
========= MENU ========
[1] Show All Buah
[2] Insert Buah
[3] Edit Buah
[4] Delete Buah
[5] Exit
[0] Apel
========= MENU ========
[1] Show All Buah
[2] Insert Buah
[3] Edit Buah
[4] Delete Buah
[5] Exit
Please try to insert, edit, and delete.
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