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Learning Java: Understanding the 3 Forms of Branching in Java

Java development
If we notice, the execution path of a program code is done one by one from top to bottom.
Line by line is read, then the computer does what it is told.
For example like this:
Flow of programs without branching
The flow of the program is one, there are no bends or branches.
By the way, what is branching?
Branching is just a term used to refer to a branched program flow.
Branching is also known as "Control Flow", "Structure Condition", "IF Structure", "Decision", etc. Everything is the same.
In the flow chart (Flow Chart) as above, the flow is indeed one.
But after we use branching, the plot will grow to be like this.
Branching Flowchart
Then how do you write branching code in Java?
The trick: using keywords ifelseswitch, and case, and the ternary operator.
Examples of IF structure formats like this:
if( suatu_kondisi ) {
    // lakukan sesuatu kalau kondisi benar
    // Lakukan ini juga
suatu_kondisionly worth truefalsejust. We can use the relations and logic operators here.
For more details, we will discuss later.
Previously, you need to know the three forms of branching in Java:
  1. IF branching
  2. Branching of IF / ELSE
  3. Branching of IF / ELSE / IF or SWITCH / CASE
Let's discuss them one by one…

1. IF branching

This branching has only one choice. That is, the choices inside the IF will only be done if the conditions are right.
IF branching
But if it's wrong ... it won't do anything. Then proceed to the next command.
Have you ever shop at a store, then if you shop above there are thousands of prizes or discounts.
Well! Examples of such cases, we can solve using this branching.
for more details…

Let's Make a Prize Program

Suppose there is a bookstore. They give gifts in the form of school supplies to buyers who spend above Rp. 100,000.
So we can make the program like this:
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Hadiah {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // membuat variabel belanja dan scanner
        int belanja = 0;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        // mengambil input
        System.out.print("Total Belanjaan: Rp ");
        belanja = scan.nextInt();

        // cek apakah dia belanja di atas 100000
        if ( belanja > 100000 ) {
            System.out.println("Selamat, anda mendapatkan hadiah!");

        System.out.println("Terima kasih...");


Run the program and pay attention to the results.
Discount program with Java
Try to give the value below 100000and note what will happen.

2. Branching of IF / ELSE

Whereas IF / ELSE branching has an alternative choice if the condition is wrong.
IF : "If the conditions are right then do this, if not, please continue"
IF / ESLE : "If the conditions are right then do this, if it's wrong then do the one, after that continue"
Differences in IF branching with IF / ELSE
That's the difference between IF and IF / ELSE.
Now let's try it in the program code ...

Graduation Check Program

For example, if the value of a student is greater than 70, then he is declared a graduate. If not, then he fails.
We can make the program like this:
import java.util.Scanner;

public class CekKelulusan {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // membuat variabel dan Scanner
        int nilai;
        String nama;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        // mengambil input
        System.out.print("Nama: ");
        nama = scan.nextLine();
        System.out.print("Nilai: ");
        nilai = scan.nextInt();

        // cek apakah dia lulus atau tidak
        if( nilai >= 70 ) {
            System.out.println("Selemat " + nama + ", anda lulus!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Maaf " + nama + ", anda gagal");


The output results:
The output of the graduation test program
Try to change the entered value and notice what will happen.

IF / ELSE branching with Ternary Operators

In addition to using the structure as above, this store can also use a ternary operator.
As we have learned in the discussion about operators . Ternary operators have the same concept as IF / ELSE partnerships.
Illustration of ternary operators
Example program:
public class OperatorTernary {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        boolean suka = true;
        String jawaban;

        // menggunakan operator ternary
        jawaban = suka ? "iya" : "tidak";

        // menampilkan jawaban


3. Branching of IF / ELSE / IF and SWITCH / CASE

If IF / ESLE branching only has two choices. So IF / ELSE / IF conversations have more than two choices.
Format it like this:
if (suatu kondisi) {
    // maka kerjakan ini
    // kerjakan perintah ini juga
    // …
} else if (kondisi lain) {
    // kerjakan ini
    // kerjakan ini juga
    // …
} else if (kondisi yang lain lagi) {
    // kerjakan perintah ini
    // kerjakan ini juga
    // …
} esle {
    // kerjakan ini kalau
    // semua kondisi di atas
    // tidak ada yang benar
    // …
Try to consider an example:
If the value is greater than 90, then the grade is "A". Whereas if it's bigger than 80, then "B +". Greater than 70, then "B", and so on.
For more details, let's make a program.

Calculate the Grade Program

Please create a new class named HitungGrade, then follow the following program code.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class HitungGrade {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // membuat variabel dan scanner
        int nilai;
        String grade;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        // mengambil input
        System.out.print("Inputkan nilai: ");
        nilai = scan.nextInt();

        // higung gradenya
        if ( nilai >= 90 ) {
            grade = "A";
        } else if ( nilai >= 80 ){
            grade = "B+";
        } else if ( nilai >= 70 ){
            grade = "B";
        } else if ( nilai >= 60 ){
            grade = "C+";
        } else if ( nilai >= 50 ){
            grade = "C";
        } else if ( nilai >= 40 ){
            grade = "D";
        } else {
            grade = "E";

        // cetak hasilnya
        System.out.println("Grade: " + grade);
The output results:
The output of the grade count program

Branching SWITCH / CASE

Branching SWITCH / CASE is actually another form of IF / ELSE / IF.
The difference is, this branching uses keywords switchand case.
The format is also different, but the way it works is the same.
    case 1:
        // kerjakan kode ini
        // kode ini juga
    case 2:
        // kerjakan kode ini
        // kode ini juga
    case 3:
        // kerjakan kode ini
        // kode ini juga
        // kerjakan kode ini
        // kode ini juga
Note: it case 1means the value variabelto be compared, is the value equal to 1or not.
If so, then do the code inside case 1.
It can also be different, for example like this:
switch (variabel) {
    case 'A':
        // lakukan sesuatu
    case 'B':
        // lakukan ini
        // lakukan ini
Also note: there are keywords breakand default.
  • breakmeaning stop. This is to instruct the computer to stop checking casethe others.
  • defaultmeaning if the variable value is not the same as the choice of the case above, then work on the code inside default.
Choice defaultcan also not have break, because he is the last choice. This means that checking will end there.
Examples of programs with branching SWITCH / CASE
import java.util.Scanner;

public class LampuLalulintas {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // membuat variabel dan Scanner
        String lampu;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        // mengambil input
        System.out.print("Inputkan nama warna: ");
        lampu = scan.nextLine();

            case "merah":
                System.out.println("Lampu merah, berhenti!");
            case "kuning":
                System.out.println("Lampu kuning, harap hati-hati!");
            case "hijau":
                System.out.println("Lampu hijau, silahkan jalan!");
                System.out.println("Warna lampu salah!");
The output results:
The output of the traffic light program results with a switch case branching
Experiment : Try to eliminate it breakin one caseand pay attention to the results.

Branching in Branching (Nested)

We already know the three basic forms of conversation in Java. Next, we try to discuss the branching that is in the crossing (nesting bridge).
Actually, this discussion I want to separate. However, it's good to just combine it here.
Think of it as a bonus discussion ðŸ˜„.
So, the branching can be made in branching. Sometimes this technique is also called nested if .
Sample case:
For example, there is a business model like this in a shop. When people pay at the checkout, it is usually asked that there is a member card to get discounts and so on.
Apakah anda punya kartu member?
   - ya
       * Apakah belanjaan anda lebih dari 500rb?
           # ya : mendapatkan diskon 50rb
           # tidak : tidak mendapatkan diskon
       * Apakah belanjaan anda lebih dari 100rb?
           # ya : mendapatkan diskon 15rb
           # tidak: tidak mendapatkan diskon
   - tidak
       * Apakah belanjaan anda lebih dari 100rb?
           # ya : mendapatkan diskon 10rb
           # tidak: tidak mendapatkan diskon
If not, try to look at the flow chart:
Nesting branching flowchart
Still don't understand?
Then let's try it in the program.
Please create a new class named Kasirand follow the program code below.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Kasir {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // deklarasi variabel dan Scanner
        int belanjaan, diskon, bayar;
        String kartu;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        // mengambil input
        System.out.print("Apakah ada kartu member: ");
        kartu = scan.nextLine();
        System.out.print("Total belanjaan: ");
        belanjaan = scan.nextInt();

        // proses
        if (kartu.equalsIgnoreCase("ya")) {
            if (belanjaan > 500000) {
                diskon = 50000;
            } else if (belanjaan > 100000) {
                diskon = 15000;
            } else {
                diskon = 0;

        } else {
            if (belanjaan > 100000) {
                diskon = 5000;
            } else {
                diskon = 0;

        // total yang harus dibayar
        bayar = belanjaan - diskon;

        // output
        System.out.println("Total Bayar: Rp " + bayar);
The output results:
Results of program output with nesting branches
Try to change the value entered and note the results.
Maybe there is something to note:
  • The function is equalsIgnoreCase("ya")used to compare strings regardless of upper and lower case letters.
  • There are also functions equals(), the same function. But equals()will pay attention to the case letters.
Why not use an operator ==or !=?
In Java it is like that.
If we want to compare String values, yes ... use the two functions above.
But, if you compare other than String, you can use the operator ==or !=.

Using Logic Operators in Branching

Logical operators in branching can actually make branching shorter.
Suppose there is a ticket program with logic like this:
public class Tilang {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean SIM = false;
        boolean STNK = true;

        // cek apakah dia akan ditilang atau tidak
        if(SIM == true){
            if( STNK == true ) {
                System.out.println("Tidak ditilang!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Anda ditilang!");
Note: there we use a nesting branch to check whether it is ticketed or not.
This can actually be abbreviated with a logical operator, so it becomes like this:
public class Tilang {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean SIM = false;
        boolean STNK = true;

        // cek apakah dia akan ditilang atau tidak
        if(SIM == true && STNK == true){
            System.out.println("Tidak ditilang!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Anda ditilang!");
In the above code, we use operator AND ( &&).
Because of the logic: The driver will not be ticketed if he has a driver's license and vehicle registration.
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