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Teks Moderator Seminar Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
Selamat pagi, jangan lupa mandi. Kali ini saya akan posting tentang Contoh Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Singkat. Dalam sebuah acara seminar, biasanya terdapat pembawa acara atau yang disebut sebagai Master of Ceremony (MC). Selain itu, dalam penyampaian materi seminar juga biasanya terdapat moderator. Berikut ini contoh naskah teks MC dan moderator dalam sebuah acara seminar menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara singkat. Naskah dapat langsung digunakan untuk latihan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris dan juga sebagai bahan referensi untuk acara seminar, workshop, presentasi, dan sebagainya yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

MC                 : Anindya Putri
Moderator      : Gilang N.
Pemateri I      : Hansa N.A.
Pemateri II     : Adi Irwanto

1.      Pembukaan (MC)
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh
Good Afternoon every body
First of all let us pray and praise to Allah SWT because of his bless and mercy, we can come together without any obstacle here with healthy condition in our seminar.
Let me introduce my self, my name is Anindya Putri Arunawati as Master of Ceremony in this Seminar.
Well, to take advantage of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting “Basmalah” together.
Now, let’s continue to the main Agenda, Seminar about A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication
The moderator of this discussion is Mr. Gilang Noerochmat.
It is his Curriculum Vitae.....
Name                               : Gilang Noerochmat
place and date of birth   : Tegal, September 19th 1998
Address                           : Pangkah village kec. Pangkah kab. Tegal 52471
Hobby                              Anything that is not troublesome
Marital status                  : Single
CP                                    : 085742650705
E-mail                              :
Education Details           :
2004 – 2010 state Elementary School 1 Pangkah
2010 – 2013 state Junior High School 1 Pangkah
2013 – 2016 state Vocation High School 1 Slawi
Quotes     “Be a strong wall in the hard times and be a smiling sun in the good times.”

OK, give applause for our moderator, Mr. Gilang Noerochmat.

2.      Moderator
How are you today?
The Honorable person my lecturer madam Endang Sugiharti, S.Si, m.kom. and all of my beloved friend.
First of all, let us thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to come here, to join in this seminar.
Secondly, shalawat and salam also deliver to our prophet (prafit), Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Presentation to day is about A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication
for the first turn will be given by the first presenter, the first speaker is unique speaker. I want to read her Curriculum Vitae, It is her Curriculum Vitae.....
Name                               : Hansa Nuha Al Fira
place and date of birth   : Tegal, May 6th 1998
Address                           : mejasem village kec. mejasem kab. Tegal 52181
Hobby                              Stroll
Marital status                  : Single
CP                                    : 085643214424
E-mail                              :
Education Details           :
2004 – 2010 state Elementary School 3 Mejasem Barat
2010 – 2013 state Junior High School 15 Tegal
2013 – 2016 state Senior High School 4 Tegal
Quotes     "Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody."

OK, give applause for the first presenter, Hansa Nuha Alfira.
Plok plok plok

3.      Materi I

4.      Moderator
Thanks to Hansa Nuha Alfira for the explanation of the material. A very interesting presentation, give applause.
..........plok plok plok
Next turn is for the second speaker,  the second speaker is special speaker. I want to read his Curriculum Vitae, It is his Curriculum Vitae.....
Name                               : Adi Irwanto
place and date of birth   : Tegal, June 8th 1996
Address                           : Yamansari village kec. Lebaksiu kab. Tegal 52461
Hobby                              Blogging
Marital status                  : Single
CP                                    : 082324662403
E-mail                              :
Education Details           :
2004 – 2010 state Elementary School 3 Yamansari
2010 – 2013 state Junior High School 1 Lebaksiu
2013 – 2016 state Vocation High School 1 Slawi
Quotes     "The past is not always as the way you want, but the future can be designed as you like."

OK, give applause for the second presenter, Adi Irwanto.
Plok plok plok

5.      Materi II

6.      Moderator
Thanks to Adi Irwanto for the explanation of the material and give applause for him.
Ladies and gentlemen! Finally, We are come to the last agenda. We would like to say thanks again for presenter and all of the audiences for participation. The conclusion of presentation to day is…………………………………………..Hopefully the presentation will give benefit for us.  Thank you for your attention. Then, I return to mc.

7.      Penutup (MC)
The last agenda as the final agenda is closing and prayer. To close the program, Let’s recite Hamdalah together. “Alhamdulillah”
Finally, from the deepest of my heart I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this Event. Thank you very much for your kind attention and..
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Sekian postingan saya kali ini mengenai Contoh Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Singkat. Terima kasih dan Semoga bermanfaat.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
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