Comparative Estimates –As Many As
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
in this post I will discuss about "Comparative Estimates –As Many As". The following descriptions.
Remember that as many as is used before a specific number to express an estimate that does not exceed the number.
as many as
We should have
as many as
five hundred
Avoid using as many instead of as many as. Avoid using much instead of many before a specific number.
Note: Comparative estimates with as much as are also used before a specific number that refers to weight, distance, or money. For example, as much as ten pounds, as much as two miles, or as much as twenty dollars.
Incorrect : We expect as much as thirty people to come.
Correct : We expect as many as thirty people to come.
Incorrect : There are as many fifteen thousand students attending summer school.
Correct :There are as many as fifteen thousand students attending summer school.
Incorrect : The children can see as much as twenty-five baby animals in the nursery at the zoo.
Correct :The children can see as many as twenty-five baby animals in the nursery at the zoo.
Incorrect : Many as ten planes have sat in line waiting to take off.
Correct :As many as ten planes have sat in line waiting to take off.
Incorrect : State University offers as much as two hundred major fields of study.
Correct :State University offers as many as two hundred major fields of study.
it's just my posts about Comparative Estimates –As Many As, hopefully useful.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
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