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Learn HTML from Zero: Introduction to HTML Basics for Beginners

HTML is the first language that must be learned if you want to become a Web Developer, because HTML is the basic ingredient for creating a web.

What is HTML?

HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is a marker language for creating web pages. Matching HTML in Indonesian is the Hiper Text Marking Language (BMHT).

Creating HTML files

HTML files can be made with text editors like notepad. It's even better to use a text editor that has highlighter syntaxfeatures like Notepad ++ , Sublime Text , Gedit , Kate , and others. HTML files are saved with html or htm extensions.
Text Editor

HTML examples

We want to display information on the website. This information is a message: This website belongs to Ardianta . Then the HTML code will look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Situs web ini milik Ardianta
HTML is arranged with tags. Note, the location of writing information that you want to be posted on the website. Being between tags <body>and </body>This tag is the body of the document. Every information written in this penada will appear on the web page.
Next example, we will get acquainted with tags <head>and tags <title>Tags <head>are document heads. To make it easier to understand, the one we modified earlier. Add tags <head>and tags <title>so that the code becomes like this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Situs Web Ardianta</title>

Situs web ini milik Ardianta
The tag <title>serves to create a website title. While that tag <head>serves to make a document head. Tags <title>must be placed inside the tag <head>Note the results, the text in the tag <title>will be displayed as the website title.
Head element
The next example, we will get acquainted with tags <h1>and tags <p>tag <h1>serves to create the article title. H1 is the size of the biggest title in HTML. Meanwhile, the tag <p>serves to make paragraphs. Modify the code again, so that it looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Situs Web Ardianta</title>

    <h1>Tentang situs web ini</h1>

    <p>Situs web ini milik Ardianta. Dibuat pada tanggal 13 Januari 2015.
    Tujuan membuat situs web ini, untuk latihan saja. Situs ini belum mengudara,
    karena masih tersimpan di komputer saya sendiri (lokal). Suatu saat nanti,
    situs ini akan kusimpan (hosting) di sebuah server di internet. </p>

Notice the result, the text that is in the H1 tag will be displayed bigger. Because the text is an article title. Meanwhile, the text in the tag <p>will be displayed as normal. For more details, try adding more paragraphs below it.


HTML is a language that must be learned by anyone who is interested in becoming a website creator ( Web Developer ). Because HTML is the basic material for creating a website. The simple examples above have explained how the HTML code is. Many tags that must be memorized. The key to remembering is to often practice creating HTML files. Insa'allah you will remember by heart. 

That's enough for the introduction of HTML, what do you think? Do you understand and know HTML now?
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